
剧情  美国  2019 

主演:阿德莱德·克莱蒙丝 里奥·苏特 乌苏拉·帕克 塞巴斯蒂安·克罗夫特 托比·塞巴斯 




小狐TV 提供《音乐,战争与爱》高清中字BD1280在线播放,《音乐,战争与爱》迅雷资源,《音乐,战争与爱》高清在线观看,《音乐,战争与爱》完整高清未删减版,《音乐,战争与爱》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看

Inspired by stories of Polish musicians from the 1930-ies40-ies Music, War and Love is an uncommon love story; its romantic heartbeat is sustained by the love of music that draws its characters together. Two young lovers, ROBERT, a catholic opera singer and RACHEL, a Jewish violin virtuoso, dream of one day performing together at legendary Carnegie Hall. When they're torn apart by the German invasion of Poland, Robert vows to find Rachel, no matter what the war may bring. His search leads him on a life-threatening journey through the heart of Nazi Germany, to a reckoning that Rachel may be lost to him forever.

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