
恐怖  其它  1971 

主演:弗洛琳达·布尔康 斯坦利·贝克 让·索雷尔 里奥·吉恩 




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Florinda Bolkan plays the daughter of a prominant English politician who keeps having recurring nightmares in which she makes love to a bisexual nympho who lives downstairs and conducts all-night LSD orgies. When the nocturnal wet dreams become murderous, the neighbor turns up dead, and Florinda is the main suspect. Did she actually commit the murder she dreamt about Is she being framed by her philandering husband Did Florinda actually make nightly visits downstairs aside from borrowing the occasional cup of sugar How DID Florinda's letter opener end up stuck in the dead neighbor's chest anyway The complex plot unfolds amidst red herrings, outlandish dream sequences, lesbian hanky panky, and ominous close-ups of Florinda Bolkan's guilt-ridden facial expressions every time someone mentions the murder. All this takes place in swinging late-1960's London.

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