
剧情  印度  1979 

主演:Haradhan Bannerjee Satya Bannerjee Bipla 



小狐TV 提供《象王》高清中字BD1280在线播放,《象王》迅雷资源,《象王》高清在线观看,《象王》完整高清未删减版,《象王》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看

This is the second film about the detective Feluda (Soumitra Chatterjee) set in the holy city of Benares, where he (along with his cousin, Topshe and friend, Lalmohan Ganguly) goes for a holiday. But the theft of a priceless deity of Lord Ganesh (the Elephant God) from a local household forces him to start investigation. Feluda comes in direct confrontation with Maganlal Meghraj (Utpal Dutt), a ruthless trader. Maganlal makes the mild-mannered Lalmohan a knife-thrower's target and threatens Felu to stop investigation. But there are several other suspects as an innocent artisan is brutally murdered, a shady 'holy man' holds court on the banks of the Ganges and an adventure-loving little boy (and his grand-father), brought up on crime thrillers. The climax is a shoot-out on the Ganges, followed by the unraveling of the mystery.

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