
剧情  美国  2014 

主演:汤姆·艾弗瑞特·斯科特 莎拉·兰卡斯特 凯莉·麦吉利斯 

导演:Terry Cunningham 




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Baseball player Micah Matthias and his young son Bobby are fleeing a brutal media following the traumatic and unsolved murder of their wife and mother. They end up in the quaint Amish community of Sugarcreek, Ohio under a set of aliases and with a broken-down old truck. Three Amish sisters running an old farmhouse inn take them under their wings and employ Micah as a handyman. This sparks the suspicions of a Sugarcreek policewoman named Rachel Troyler, niece of the three who raised her after she was orphaned as a child. Will the truth interfere with love?

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