
爱情  其它  2010 

主演:T·R·西尔巴拉萨恩 特丽莎·克里希南 

导演:Gautham Menon 


小狐TV 提供《为你痴狂》高清中字BD1280在线播放,《为你痴狂》迅雷资源,《为你痴狂》高清在线观看,《为你痴狂》完整高清未删减版,《为你痴狂》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看

At a Keralite Christian wedding, a young man in the audience watches mournfully as the woman of his dreams walks down the aisle. Flashback, a young wannabe filmmaker Kartik (Simbu) moves in to the lower floor of a Keralite family, whose daughter Jessie (Trisha) he instantly falls in love with. After a few minor spurns, Kartik chases Jessie to her hometown and gradually begin a relationship. Trouble brews when her family finds out, leading to fist-cuffs and Kartik's family moving out of the home, and Jessie's father fixing her marriage with a boy within the community. The couple continue to meet, but as his filmmaking career starts to take off, there is new friction in their relationship and a drastic step from Jessie. Good music from AR Rehman, and decent performances by the entire cast, especially Kartik's boss Ganesh, who becomes an unwitting sidekick in Kartik's clandestine stalking of Jessie... Written by Joyojeet Pal

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