
剧情  美国  1954 

主演:布罗德里克·克劳福德 露丝·罗曼 玛莎·海尔 玛丽莎·帕文 Max Showal 



小狐TV 提供《三条黑暗的街道》高清中字BD1280在线播放,《三条黑暗的街道》迅雷资源,《三条黑暗的街道》高清在线观看,《三条黑暗的街道》完整高清未删减版,《三条黑暗的街道》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看

When FBI Agent Zack Stewart is killed, Agent John Ripley takes over the three cases he was working on, hoping one will lead to his killer. The first involves gangster Joe Walpo and Ripley finds his hideout through Joe's girl friend, Connie Anderson. Joe is killed but it is established he was 400 miles away when Stewart was murdered. The next involves a car-theft gang which Ripley breaks up by using one of the gang, Vince Angelino and his wife Julie. The last case involves Kate Martell, the victim of an extortionist who threatens to kidnap her child unless she pays him $10,000

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