
恐怖  美国  2020 

主演:杰瑞米·金 诺阿·西甘 托尼·特拉克斯 蔡斯·威廉逊 巴伦·沃恩 佐伊·格瑞艾姆 

导演:Courtney Andujar Hillary Andujar Anthony Cousins 艾米丽·哈金斯 阿伦·库恩兹 Chris McInroy 诺阿·西甘 巴伦·沃恩 


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Seven directors. Seven tales of terror. Zero working cell phones. SCARE PACKAGE is a meta horror comedy anthology film where director has selected a different horror sub-genre to showcase in a world where cell phones magically stop working and help is always a minute too late. Starring: Noah Segan (KNIVES OUT), Baron Vaughn (MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3K) Chase Williamson (BEYOND THE GATES), Jocelyn DeBoer (GREENER GRASS), Jeremy King (CAMERA OBSCURA), Dustin Rhodes (WWE Legend), Zoe Graham (BOYHOOD), Hawn Tran (THE WATCHMEN), Kirk Johnson (LAZER TEAM), Chelsey Grant, Jon Michael Simpson, Josephine McAdam and more. Directed by Emily Hagins, Chris McInroy, Hilary & Courtney Andujar, Noah Segan, Baron Vaughn, Anthony Cousins & Aaron B. Koontz Produced by Austin-based boutique genre production company Paper Street Pictures

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